During holidays
Workcamps and Artistic youth exchanges
These projects are for everyone from 16 to 22 years old, as soon as you’re motivated by the theme and the objectives.
An ecological workcamp, an artistic youth exchange, or a thematic exchange on the question of migrations …
The themes and the partners of the projects are always different, but the key point is always the encounter with other young people from other countries, and the fact of building a common project all together.
No need to speak german, french, english to participate. The team translate everything. The teamers are all bi or trilingual. They will organise some small linguistic animation games to break the ice, give you the opportunity to get to learn some words in the 2 other languages, and it will also make easier the communication with the other participants.
Some activities will be suggested to get to know each other, speak about one’s culture, share one’s language, and ask oneself questions on cultural differences.
Each project is thought, first of all, to create the intercultural meeting and you don’t need to have specific skills to participate.
In each project, you’ll be part of the collective life and help out.
The participation fees are here to cover transport costs, hosting, food, program costs and translation.